Grow Your Youtube Channel Audience

What Is A Youtube Channel?

YouTube is the platform's official channel for highlighting videos and events. The YouTube Music Awards and YouTube Comedy Week are two occasions that are covered on the channel. Between 2010 and 2019, the channel also posted annual episodes of YouTube Rewind.

How To Grow Your Youtube Channel Audience?

There is no doubt that video marketing has become more and more popular and available to brands over the past few years. While investing in well-known platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and your website is a wonderful idea, starting a YouTube channel may be the greatest way to market your business given that one billion hours are spent watching videos on the site every day.

If you know a few tips and have a basic understanding of how to create engaging videos, YouTube—often referred to as the "second-largest search engine" in the world—can help people find your content fast and increase interaction. Here are the top 10 suggestions for expanding your YouTube channel.

1. Focus Your Videos on One Keyword or Topic

The most effective strategy to increase traffic and expand your YouTube audience is to create your video around a specific theme or phrase. Marketers that are unfamiliar with SEO run the risk of skipping this phase in the video ranking process, but it is essential to do so if you want your videos to receive the most views possible. Find the most popular keywords in the niche you wish to target by using a keyword tool, such as the YouTube-specific

Prior to creating your video content, it's crucial to choose your keyword because doing so will help you create the greatest material possible on that particular subject. Additionally, it reminds you to weave your keyword naturally into the text so that YouTube will recognize it when closed captions are applied. Once you've selected a keyword, make sure your title and description are always optimized and that you're on the correct track in terms of purpose by looking at the videos that currently rank for that subject. You will increase search traffic with SEO on YouTube by doing this.

2. Reuse currently successful content

Of course, producing and sharing quality material is the greatest approach to expanding your YouTube channel. However, the content need not always be created from scratch. Some of your best videos can be made using the interesting, worthwhile, practical, and useful stuff you currently have.

Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when people binge-watched 4 billion hours of "how to" videos in only one year, many people turned to YouTube to discover solutions and instructions. Therefore, generating traffic with content that addresses problems for your audience is a terrific idea. Perform a content audit to identify the blogs, how-to articles, and other high-performing items you already have. Then, consider how you may repurpose these materials to produce informative and interesting films.

Don't feel like you need to create a film or write a novel; instead, keep in mind that the most popular YouTube videos are often between one and five minutes long. Be succinct and to the point.

3. Engage Your Audience 

It's critical to remember that YouTube is a social media platform and necessitates social interaction. You're missing a trick if all you do is post videos without promoting debate and comments.

YouTube rewards channels that receive high levels of interaction, which includes comments, overall time spent on the channel, watch time, likes, and dislikes. In order to encourage users to interact with audio/visual prompts, attempt to reply to every comment you receive (if at all possible).

You can also take the time to engage with brands you admire or that are comparable to your own by visiting their channels. Likewise, don't always wait for the audience to initiate a conversation. Asking questions about the content or even just requesting feedback on what kind of content people like to see on your channel or would like to see more of can help you post comments or questions that can increase engagement. Additionally, be sure to express gratitude to users that share on YouTube and other channels.

To keep track of important engagement data on YouTube, consider employing a social content distribution and engagement dashboard.

4. Create a Brand

Although your channel's design may be excellent, does your content? You must appear professional if you want viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel and take it seriously.

Enhancing your company's social branding will make it easier for users to recognize your material. Therefore, if you have a blog or website, you probably already have a certain style and feel that helps you set yourself apart from other people and/or businesses. Therefore, extending that branding to your YouTube channel makes sense. 

Here's an example from the video game industry giant Nintendo. With 8.12 million subscribers, they offer excellent content about games and systems, including quick gameplay videos and behind-the-scenes clips.

Along with visual branding, don't forget to add unique URLs to your channel header and create an engaging bio about yourself and the subjects of your videos.

5. Use Other Social Platforms to Promote Your YouTube Videos

You may cross-promote content across platforms on social media, which is one of its wonderful features. The simplest strategy to increase your audience is to promote your YouTube videos on your other social media accounts.

There is a substantial amount of user overlap across social media platforms, with YouTube witnessing massive interaction of over 90% across users of all the top channels, according to the Digital 2022 Global Overview Report. This means that when it comes to marketing efforts and engagement, it's a medium to be taken seriously.

So, consider the channels you are watching. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or TikTok? There are tonnes of options and fantastic concepts for social media videos. Additionally, you can always create a teaser for the full-length video on YouTube if there's a channel (like Facebook) where you want to broadcast videos straight in order to obtain the best engagement possible across all of them. 

Don't overlook your blog either, as you can submit movies there as well! Additionally, a podcast can work seamlessly with your YouTube channel if you have one.

6. Be Present and Stand Out

Personalizing the channel by taking part in videos can be quite helpful if you're running YouTube by yourself or as a small group. Your audience will be able to relate to you as a person more readily if you put a face to a brand. This is crucial for solopreneurs, fitness, life, and business coaches, as well as vloggers.

Your face doesn't have to be in every video you make, but you should appear frequently enough to draw in viewers. Use a picture of yourself on your channel if you are this kind of YouTuber (not your logo). See the illustration provided by marketing guru Adam Erhart below.

7. Use YouTube Cards and Great Thumbnails

Thumbnails may seem insignificant, which they are, yet they may have a significant influence. You want your film to stand out from the competition since YouTube uses thumbnails in its sidebar to promote other videos.

Likewise with YouTube search. Even if the material isn't as valuable, videos with a catchy title and eye-catching thumbnail typically rank higher since they have a greater click-through rate (CTR). Use strategies like highlighted text, arrows, huge text, and unexpected or eye-catching imagery to increase your CTR.

We are aware that YouTube compensates channels for retaining visitors to their pages. These increased average viewing times show that viewers are interested in your material. (YouTube statistics can help you determine how long viewers watch your videos.)

 You can include connections to other videos or pertinent content right where visitors are leaving off by adding YouTube cards. You can feature five cards for each video, which display as a rectangular box or teaser in the right-hand corner of the video.

 There are many different card kinds to pick from, including a playlist, poll, or donation. Even if viewers might stop viewing the video they're watching, they'll be driven to your other content and continue to subscribe to your channel, which will increase your ranking.

8. Encourage Subscribers

When viewers subscribe to receive notifications of any new videos that are released, this is one of the ways you may be certain that they are interested in your channel. In every video, you upload, ask people to subscribe to your channel and stay in touch with those who have already done so. (Here, you can view your subscription list.)

Never pay a subscription fee. In the long term, this will only lower your interaction and damage the veracity of your account. Remember that you can be losing out on a lot of prospective subscribers if you don't ask your viewers to subscribe. After all, the more followers you have, the greater your chances of getting more YouTube views.

9. Increase the Frequency of Your Uploads

Although it may seem frightening at first, you must post more frequently—at least one video every week—if you want to expand your audience. Don't worry, you won't need a large advertising agency or design studio to complete this.

 With tools like Animoto, it's simple to edit films and produce video content on a budget with today's smartphones, which have outstanding video capturing capabilities. The need for consistency cannot be overstated.

Depending on how frequently you upload, try to post at the same time every day or week. Also, inform your followers when new videos will be released. After that, follow your timetable.

10. Develop Your YouTube and Social Video Expertise

The popularity of video as a content format keeps growing. Eighty-six percent of companies use video as a marketing tool, and eighty-seven percent of marketers say it performs well in terms of ROI. Marketers should comprehend the function of video and how to use it effectively across all social media channels as audiences become more visually oriented and platforms like TikTok gain in popularity.

You will learn how to successfully build up and maintain a YouTube channel with the help of DMI's accredited Social Media and Marketing course, as well as how to develop tactics that will set your channel apart from the competition.

 Additionally, you will learn how to expand your online audience, employ advertising and analytics for fruitful visual campaigns, and comprehend how video fits into your content mix across platforms.

How to interact with your Audience?

A large part of what it means to be a Creator is interacting with your channel's viewers. So go ahead and generate innovative concepts, imagine fresh ways to produce, and maintain dialogue in between uploads. We have resources that can assist with community involvement and other things.

1. Continuing the conversation

Your audience will become more involved with you as you interact with them. Growing your channel requires interaction with viewers and consideration of their feedback. The following advice can help you convert viewers into fans and fans into a community.

2. Controlling the remarks

Responding to comments will show your audience that you are interested in what they have to say. You can respond to comments and queries from viewers or just show them some heartfelt appreciation. You may also move comments you truly like to the top so that viewers notice them right away.

3. dealing with offensive remarks

Comments on YouTube that go against our Community Guidelines are routinely removed. You might still choose to restrict or delete some visitors or comments, though. You can evaluate or delete comments that you deem objectionable to you or your community using our tools and filters.

See Also: How To Create A Youtube Channel?